Monday, June 5, 2017

I know I haven't written for awhile, and I'm a bit rusty, but I want to pass on some things the LORD has encouraged me with, in hopes you will also be encouraged. Over the last year and a half, since I last wrote, God has been completely faithful to me. Though I still await His answers for many of my prayers for my children, He has given me peace and joy and great hope. I hope this post will encourage you. You are greatly loved by God... and you are not alone in whatever you are facing. He is with you.  
He Listened to Me
     Who do you call when you’re angry? I only call my closest friends. When I am angry I am vulnerable. Something has burned into my very core and caused deep pain that I cannot express nicely.

     There was a time that God was fuming angry with the children of Israel, angry enough to destroy them. But Moses interceded for them and later he wrote about it, saying “the LORD listened to me…” (Deut. 9:19). This fascinates me to think that God would listen to a man, in the midst of His own intense anger. In my experience, most men will not listen to anyone when they are angry. But God listened to a man and did what the man asked. God made Himself vulnerable to a man… He was that open and intimate.

     This story is for us as we intercede for our children. The picture here is not one of a reserved king hearing and granting the request of a peasant. Rather it is the unveiling of the God who values the friendship and partnership of an individual man. Can it be?! I believe this is the relationship that God wants with each of us.

     Don’t get me wrong. Moses did not in any way consider this friendship with God to mean equality. No, Moses was on his face as he spoke with God, recognizing the awesome power and authority and absolute holiness of the God he was speaking to. Moses knew that if not for God’s mercy he would be consumed. But he also knew that God loved him with a fierceness greater than His anger. He knew that he was the apple of God’s eye, His treasured possession, that God wanted to be with him, and that He valued what he had to say.

     The Bible says that God spoke to Moses “face to face as a man speaks to his friend.”(Ex.33:11). What was that like?! Whatever it was I believe it’s available to us, and not only available, but something that God desired enough to die for. Jesus says in John 15:15 “No longer do I call you servants… but I have called you friends…”


LORD Jesus, I want to know You face to face.

You are the most humble, approachable and trustworthy Friend I have.

I am honored that You would actually value what I say.

Thank-you that you allow my prayers to affect you.

Thank-you for listening to me and wanting me to be Your friend.





  1. So encouraged by your writing. Truly a gift from God and so thankful you are stepping out and sharing your gift of writing.

  2. Thank You, Sue.

    I also seek that face to face warm friendship
    of a Loving God, who wants to spend time with me, and listen to my prayers.


    1. Thanks for commenting Tomm. He promises us that when we seek Him we will find Him, so we will never stop seeking to know Him more. God bless you Tomm.


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