Friday, February 12, 2016

Just a Glitch

“Visitors for Popa.” The officer propped open the heavy steel door, allowing us to enter. We held our jackets open as he wanded us down, front then back, one by one. Satisfied that we were weapon-free, he unlocked the next steel door leading into the room where we would visit our son. To my left, a wall-length black window hid the officer who would supervise our visit. Ignoring him, my eyes scanned the several small cubicles on the right. There he was, silently waiting behind the thick glass. We bent down under the counter and watched for the flashing light that would signal us to pick up the phone and begin our awkward, recorded 30 minute visit. This is our Sunday routine.

As I gazed into my son’s eyes through the glass today I realized how deeply I miss him. Regular sleep and three meals a day… he looked healthier than approximately 75 days ago when his drug-addict lifestyle had brought him in. Laughing shyly and retelling a funny experience, the glint in his eyes drew my heart in to him. For a brief moment, the innocent freedom of joy connected our hearts and we were one again. This child, who was energized by risk-taking and lived outside the box, who took more of my time and energy than all my other children combined, could also make me laugh more than anyone in the world. As we laughed today I realized the huge void I feel with him gone.

What do I do with my life now? My children were my job and they’re leaving. Maintaining emotional equilibrium has never been my forte, but I don’t recall ever feeling so consistently weak. Anxiety closes in and I feel lost inside, frantically trying to find the door in the dark.

My youngest son says my brain is glitchy. We laugh, but in reality this isn’t funny to me. There is a brokenness in me somewhere that I can’t fix.

 A glitch is when I think about myself way too much, making it hard to concentrate on the world outside. Underlying all this self-focus is a pesky lie that God will not take care of me. I have been a Christian for nearly 50 years. That’s a long time to walk with the LORD and still glitch. You would think by now I would trust Him unwaveringly.

It says in Hebrews 10:23(NIV) “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” God is faithful… trustworthy… he will do what He has promised.

What has God promised me?   Peace, joy, hope, fruitfulness, steadfast love, forgiveness, righteousness, beauty, protection, guidance, wisdom. He promises me that He will speak to me, bless me and my children, teach me, answer my prayers, lead me in good paths, make me a fisher of men, hold me secure, never leave me. He will rejoice over me with singing, empower me to do whatever He calls me to and surround me with His favor as with a shield.  I will not throw away my confidence.

“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.” Hebrews 10:35(NIV)

Jesus loves me, even though I waver. He actually chooses weak people to be His dearly loved children. He says to me “Weakness? No problem… it’s just a glitch!”

I would never have survived this many glitches without Jesus. He is my only stability, and if it were not for Him I would always glitch, not just once in a while.

In times of emotional chaos my strong Savior understands me. He holds me and says “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9(NIV)

He also says “…let the weak say, I am strong.” Joel 3:10(KJV). Jesus sees my weakness more completely than I do, and yet He invites me to say “I am Strong!” What makes a person strong? Is it how they feel? Isn’t it rather who they are in their core? I have the Spirit of the resurrected Christ in me, in my core. The truth is… He has all of my needs covered and He is bursting for me to get out there and release His strong love onto a lost and hurting world.


LORD, thank-you for Your Strength that lives in me. I am Strong! Your joy lifts up my head. Your faithfulness leads me out of frantically trying to protect myself.  Thank-you for loving me, for tenderly taking care of me, and for covering my weakness with grace.  Please teach me to trust You without wavering.



  1. Tender...thoughtful....insightful...full of truth and love. Great blog, Susan! xo

    1. Thank-you Mana. I really appreciate your encouragement. :)

  2. Thank you Sue. I agree with your friend. Your thoughts are lovingly candid and it encourages others. Hebrews 10:23 "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."Ruth C.

    1. Thanks Ruth. Thanks for standing with me as we hold unswervingly to the hope we profess.

  3. I appreciate how you can put into words what many of us feel in our relationship with God. Thank you for listing all those encouraging promises and the Heb 10:35 verse. I don't know that I've ever noticed that Heb verse before.

    1. Thank-you for sharing this. That verse is powerful, isn't it?! may we remember it whenever we are tempted to lose heart. God bless you!

  4. Sue
    I appreciate your ability to put words to feeling...
    feelings that i have known a bit of myself

    May God bring you peace daily


    1. Thanks Tom. It's good to hear from you! May God fill you with His peace and joy also.

    2. Feel free to check out my blog... my search for peace.

  5. Wow! You are such a powerful writer and a strong courageous woman of God! I praise God for you in my life and for your great wisdom and discernment. You are full of the Spirit of God and He is pouring out of you a great overflow! Stay strong and focused on Jesus and you walk in VICTORY for eternity!

    1. Thank-you Sara! Your comments helped remind me again of these truths.... The faithfulness and promises of God that are my Rock. Thanks for your encouragement!


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