Thursday, November 5, 2015

Armed and Dangerous

I wander through the mall, my heart breaking as I remember my son’s eyes—like windows barely cracked open, hiding the widespread destruction wrought by the enemy of his soul. How can I go shopping while he carries such pain? I have to let him go, but I cannot. I love him.

This week I have battled to find peace-- fear trying to devour me. But fear will never win this war. I am a daughter of The Most High God, indwelt by the Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead. And though I am merely a child in the arms of her Father, I am armed and dangerous. I am not like the unarmed crew of a cargo ship, hiding below deck from attacking pirates. I will fight on my knees until my son is set free.

The lie is that I am powerless. The truth is that I have been given weapons, and “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” 2 Corinthians 10:4

I may feel afraid at times, but I will draw my sword and run straight toward the enemy because I have the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, the Word of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, and massive angels running with me.

All too often I catch myself feeling like I can’t rest, can’t relax the fight, as if my son’s life depended on me. How foolish! I am called to the front lines, but I am carried there by the LORD. And when I need to rest, the One who holds me securely in His arms continues to fight for me. Romans 8:26 says “…the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.”


  1. So true, I needed that! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for commenting Carl. I am so glad it ministered to you.

  2. Wonderful...thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks Lisa. Thanks for your encouragement and friendship.

  3. Such good truth. I'm forwarding this to someone else I think it will bless today.

    1. Thanks Kristel. And thank-you LORD Jesus for giving us truth to hold onto.

  4. Encouragement needed at this time in my life. Encouragement gained thru your words and reminders of the All Mighty's power within His believers. Thank you.

    1. God bless you and I pray that He will continue to encourage you through this time, and provide all you need. I believe He is more available and accessible to us than we can grasp.

  5. Love the last paragraph Sue! Resting and letting Him work on our behalf. So easy, yet so hard for us to let go. Praying for your family! Love, Janice

    1. Thanks for commenting Janice. And thanks a lot for your prayers. I pray that God will help us learn to trust Him more and more.


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