Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Perfect Family

When my children were babies (that time long ago when I could protect them), I read homeschooling magazines, the ones with the perfect families with their ten smiling children on the covers, all looking at the camera at once and no one making faces or scowling or poking their brother. Underneath those covers the pages spoke of the joy of nurturing children and watching them peacefully blossom into responsible, confident adults who would go on to do great things. That was my dream.

Somewhere along the way I stopped reading those magazines. They just made me angry. I couldn’t get everyone to smile at once, to sit still and follow the rules, let alone to be truly peaceful and whole.

However, there is one family whose story encourages me. I’d like to nominate them for the cover of one of those magazines. This story is found in Genesis 25-49 and it is the story of Jacob. Jacob, who was renamed Israel, was the father of the Israelites, God’s chosen people. God picked this family, out of all the families on earth, to be His treasured possession. They were the family He would pour His blessing out on to show the world who He is and how great His love is for all mankind.

So… what was this family like? Well, for starters, Jacob was estranged from his birth family for years because of his own sins. Then he had more than one wife and there was tension between them. Jacob went on to show favoritism to one son, which led to jealousy among his children. His daughter was sexually assaulted and then his sons took revenge and murdered a whole town. His sons sold his favorite son, Joseph, into slavery and then lied to Jacob for years about it while watching him grieve inconsolably. One of his sons went to a prostitute and fathered a child out of wedlock, and two of his grandsons were so evil that God struck them dead. Not exactly the perfect homeschooling family.

But before all this heartache that Jacob experienced, he had heard God’s words of promise to him. “All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring. I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go…” Genesis 28:14,15. Jacob must have taken those words into his heart with joy thinking his path would be glorious. But, as the days and years unfolded, he began to experience grief after grief. Finally, at the end of his life his whole family was starving due to a famine, and his heart had been broken for many years over the believed loss of his dear son Joseph.

I can imagine Jacob must have been wondering “Where in the world are you God?” Yet before Jacob died, God peeled back the curtain and showed him that Joseph was alive! All those years while all Jacob saw was trouble, God was working behind the scenes to raise his son Joseph up to be the ruler of Egypt and to bring hope and restoration to his family and the world.

So what this says to me is that my family is just the kind of family that God has chosen to pour out his love on. I guess you can say we’re the perfect family! He has a plan of redemption that He is working out even when I cannot see it. And that plan is to bless my family and also to bless others through us. May Jacob’s story encourage you also.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Disappointment-proof Hope

            Loving someone with an addiction has been a rollercoaster of hope, energetically rising up, only to be driven down again. The longing to see my child set free—it’s a pain I cannot even express. I find that I no longer let my heart climb all the way up those hills of hope, because the downhills are so painful.

            Yesterday I ran into a precious friend who reminded me of Isaiah 49:23-25. It begins with  “… those who hope in me will not be disappointed.” I believe this means that when we put our hope in Jesus we can let hope rise all the way up. There will be no plunging down again.

            I am not saying that this means there won’t be times of uncertainty and grief in the fight, but rather that ultimately, we win. I believe that in the end we will look back and say “Wow!! Didn’t God do amazing things for us, way more than we could ever have asked for!”

            These verses go on to say “Can plunder be taken from warriors, or captives rescued from the fierce? But this is what the LORD says: “Yes, captives will be taken from warriors, and plunder retrieved from the fierce; I will contend with those who contend with you, and your children I will save.”

            “Yes… your children I will save!” The enemy of our souls wants us to think he has our children in his mouth like a lion with its prey. But God says that even in that case, even if all seems lost, He will fight for us, take back what is ours and save our children.

            So no matter what the addiction, or diagnosis, or court order, or disease, or poor choice or damaged relationship--- we can stand securely on this high, unshakable mountain of hope in Jesus Christ, our Savior.

            “Jesus, I trust You. My hope is in You. Thank-you for fighting for me. Thank-you for saving me and my children.”

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Jesus Loves Me

Jesus loves me... such a basic truth, yet so hard to lay hold of. The joy that I feel when I begin to grasp this truth... it's like nothing else. Then whatever trouble is happening in my life fades into the background. Jesus takes my fear, and in its place He gives me confidence in His love.

Today I believe God would just want to tell you He loves you... deeply, with great affection. He guards you like a mama bear because He loves you, not just because you need Him.

I wrote this poem 8 years ago about trusting God with my teenagers. No one can steal my hope because... Jesus loves me.

Over My Head
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5,6

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

The waves roll in. I’m out over my head.
They’re laughing and crashing around my bed
Where I lay resting and trusting instead
In my God who speaks and raises the dead.
I can’t touch bottom out here anymore.
My children are teens and we’re far off shore.
Relentless storms, like a lion they roar.
The waves bare their teeth as they crash and pour
Salt on the wounds that I cannot heal.
Jesus, please help us; I know that You feel
The ache in my heart. Please come in Your zeal
To woo my children, pursue them and seal
Their hearts with Your love, as staunch as the grave.*
I’ll rest in Your mighty power to save.
No storm, no crash, no laughing wave
Can steal the hope that Jesus gave.

 “…because I know Whom I have believed, and am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him for that day.” 2 Timothy 1:12


*Song of Songs 8:6,7

Friday, July 3, 2015

Inexhaustible, Overflowing Hope

"May the GOD OF  HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines "overflow" as... to flow over the edge or top of; to fill or cover completely; to be so filled that there is not enough room for anything or anyone more.

In Christ Jesus we have GREAT hope! His name is the GOD OF HOPE! No matter how long it has been or how hopeless it may look, we are invited into this hope that never runs out, that is always fresh and more than we need. It is hope that is too much for us to contain. It is lavish and full and can never be taken away from us because as soon as one ounce leaves another bubbles up to replace it. It is inexhaustible. It is powerful because it is rooted in a powerful God Who is alive and moving and mighty to save, passionately pursuing our hearts and the hearts of our children.  And this amazing, awesome GOD OF HOPE beckons us in to trust Him... so He can fill us with joy and peace and overflowing hope.